Heathcote Auto Services

Servicing and MOT

Air Conditioning Service & Repair

Vehicle Diagnostics


Welcome to Heathcote Auto Services Reception

Vehicle Servicing and Repairs Leamington Spa

Based in Whitnash near Leamington Spa, Heathcote Auto Services have been servicing and repairing cars and vans for over 60 years. Our fully qualified vehicle technicians have moved with the times and we now use electronic diagnostics to interrogate your vehicle’s ECU. We are your local family run garage and offer competitive pricing, excellent value and the ability to speak directly with the vehicle technician. All parts are supplied by leading manufacturers and our workmanship is fully guaranteed against defects.

MOT Centre

MOT while you wait

While you wait or drop off and collect.

Free MOT Reminder

Text / Email / Phone / Post

Call us on 01926 426305 to set up your reminder.

Get an MOT discount voucher here


Read the MOT Testing Guide here.

Servicing & Repairs

servicing and repairs

99% of makes and models (cars and light commercials)

Most vehicle manufactures recommend that a vehicle is serviced at least once a year or 10,000 miles whichever occurs first. Routine servicing can extend the life of your vehicle and reduce the risk of frustrating breakdown and costly repair bills.

Read more…

Make a Booking

Call 01926 426305 to make a booking

Call 01926 426305

Opening Times:
Monday to Friday 8am – 5:30pm

Sunday and Bank Holidays – Closed

Heathcote Auto Services

Vehicle servicing and repairs
425 Tachbrook Road, Whitnash,
Leamington Spa,
Warwickshire, CV31 3DQ

Tel: 01926 426305

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri – 8.00am to 5.30pm

At Heathcote Auto Services our experience has shown us that sometimes the old ways are often better.
We can usually respond more efficiently to a phone call rather than email, as we can then gain a full understanding of your vehicle servicing or repair requirements. This gives us a better chance to gain all the information required so that we can deal with your enquiry promptly.

Heathcote Auto Services, 425 Tachbrook Road, Whitnash, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 3DQ

Tel: 01926 426305